Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Emily had her one month check-up today! She now weighs 9 pounds 2 ounces and is 20 1/2 inches long. She's gained a lot of weight for two weeks, and the doctor is happy with her progress. I think I'm the happiest because I know that I made her gain that weight. I was so worried that we were going to be wrong about the birth control drying up my milk last time and that it would happen this time. I still want to get past 12 weeks because thats when I really knew it was time to give AJ formula, but I'm feeling more hopefully that I will be able to make it to at least 6 months and then hopefully a year.

Anyway here is my progress so far in the Day Zero Project:

1. Take my vitamin every day for three months (3/90)
2. Graduate with my bachelor’s degree
3. Lose 25 pounds (0/25)
4. Go through the closets (0/4)
5. Make sure the house is spotless before bed every day for a week (0/7)
6. Finish three of my WIPs (0/3)
7. Save $1.00 a day for 1001 days (3/1001)
8. Watch every episode of House (Season 1 - 3/22)
9. Finish this list
10. Buy one scratch off ticket every week for a year (0/52)

I found House Season One full length episodes at If you go there, make sure to use megavideo, and if it won't let you then novamov. I don't know that the other ones are safe, and I know that those two usually work.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day One

Day One of 1001

So far I have 60 items on my list, and I have decided to work on these ones right now. It doesn't mean that I can't complete other ones, but I want to make an effort to work on these:

1. Buy one scratch off ticket every week for a year (0/52)
2. Finish this list
3. Save $1.00 a day for 1001 days (1/1001)
4. Finish three of my WIPs (0/3)
5. Make sure the house is spotless before bed every day for a week (0/7)
6. Go through the closets (0/4)
7. Take my vitamin every day for three months (1/90)
8. Lose 25 pounds (0/25)
9. Graduate with my bachelor’s degree

Day Zero

Emily was born on May 23. My dr decided to induce me on the 22nd after an ultrasound showed low amniotic fluid levels. The induction wasn't too bad this time. He used the foley method to start and then I was on pitocin. I elected to get the epidural but everything went so quickly that the epidural didn't even kick in before she was born.

She was 7 pounds 9 ounces and 19.25 inches long. She's absolutely perfect!

I'm really happy that I went through a whole pregnancy without finding out the sex. It was really hard, but very rewarding at the end, especially because she's a girl! I had a lot of people say right after that it's so great I have a boy and a girl, now I can be done. I really don't think I'm done yet. I definitely don't want another one until Emily is older than AJ is now. I think it would be great to wait until she is at least 3 before we start trying, so that would make her at the late end of 3 or maybe 4 depending on when I would get pregnant. Of course I don't know all of the details right now, but I know that as of this point, I'm not done.

So, I've decided to do this thing called Day Zero. You make a list of 101 things that you want to complete in 1001 days. I've made about half of my list so far:

1. Graduate with my bachelor’s degree
2. Take the Pro Ed exam
3. Take the Subject Area exam
4. Get certification to teach
5. Go one full semester without waiting until the last minute to do an assignment (0/16)
6. Join a gym
7. Exercise three to four days a week for a month (0/12)
8. Lose 25 pounds (0/25)
9. Make and take my lunch to work every day for a full month (0/30)
10. Replace 2 cans of soda with water every day for a month (0/30)
11. Take a walk everyday for a month (0/30)
12. Go without soda for a full week (0/7)
13. Go without soda for a full month (0/30)
14. No candy/chocolate/sweets for a full week (0/7)
15. No candy/chocolate/sweets for a full month (0/30)
16. Go to bed before midnight for one full week (0/7)
17. Get CPR certification
18. Donate 1 gallon of blood (0/8)
19. Take my vitamin every day for three months (1/90)
20. Buy a filing cabinet
21. Create a system for my bills and paperwork
22. Organize AJs toys
23. Go through the closets (0/4)
24. Make sure the house is spotless before bed every day for a week (0/7)
25. Don’t eat out for a month (0/30)
26. Potty train AJ
27. Change all of our light bulbs to energy saving
28. Eat dinner as a family at our table
29. Frame our family pictures and hang them
30. Finish three of my WIPs
31. Design and make my own graduation announcements
32. Make something for AJ
33. Make something for Emily
34. Donate one skien of squares to One Square at a Time Charity -
35. Learn to knit
36. Save $1.00 a day for 1001 days (0/1001)
37. Develop a budget
38. Find a new author that I like
39. Visit Aaron’s family
40. Go on a vacation with my family for at least 3 days
41. Watch every episode of House
42. Watch 15 movies that I have never seen recommended to me (0/15)
43. Go 24 hours without having the TV on
44. Go on one date night a month starting in September 2010
45. Go to a Redwings hockey game with Aaron
46. Finish this list
47. Get a new piercing or tattoo
48. Don’t go on Facebook for 24 hours
49. Get up to the alarm without hitting snooze 50 times (0/50)
50. Sleep without an alarm 50 times (0/50)
51. Go fruit picking with AJ
52. See a play
53. Make homemade bagels
54. Write from 20 times (0/20)
55. Build a blanket fort with AJ
56. Donate $5 for every task not completed after day 1001