Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm on my way with the announcements. I have the the actual card cut out, the shaker frame cut out, the shaker background printed out and partially cut out, the transparencies are partially cut out, and the inside of the card is done being created and needs to be printed and cut out. Then it all needs to be put together and sent out.

I have some catching up in my psychology class to do but there might be a good chance that I'll be dropping that class. I am not 100% sure yet.

Some other things have been going on in my life as well. I think that for a little bit I was stretching myself VERY thin. Here was a week in my life:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
Get up at 6:00 am
Get ready for work
Go to work
Work until 3:00 to 3:30
Have my mother pester me all day to pick up my brother from football practice
Drive home and arrive at 3:45 to 4:00
Leave at 4:15 to pick up Robert
Get back home at 4:55
Either run errands with Aaron or take Aaron to work at 5:00
If Aaron had to go to work, run errands myself
Get home and get AJ settled
Work on school work or wedding stuff
Possibly clean the house a little
Get AJ to bed
Either crash after AJ is asleep or finish what I was doing while waiting for Aaron to get home
If I last until Aaron gets home, we spend some time together
I usually get to bed about 1:30 - 2:30 am

Get up at 7:30 am
Get AJ and myself ready
Go to Laura's
Watch her two kids, and AJ until about 5:30 6:00
Every other week I do speghetti night
Eat, and help clean up
Spend some time with Laura
Leave about 9:30
Visit Aaron at work
Get AJ settled
Do a very little cleaning
Do AJ's nighty night routine
Either crash after AJ is asleep or finish what I was doing while waiting for Aaron to get home
If I last until Aaron gets home, we spend some time together
I usually get to bed about 1:30 - 2:30 am

I'm not even going to try and put the weekends in here because it is completely different, but rest assured there is no sleeping in for me... and not much break time.

I did have a bit of a break last weekend. Lisa spent the night and then we went to the beach together with AJ. The only horrible thing was that we both forgot about spring break and finding a parking spot was absolutely horrible! When we got there it was fun though!

I do have more to talk about, but as it is Thursday I am at Laura's and somebody has a stinky booty.... me thinks it is AJ. Ta ta for now.

Friday, March 20, 2009


BIG NEWS: I got my rings today!!!! I'm so excited, and now I can't wait to get married. My ring is beautiful, and I would have taken a picture if my brother didn't borrow my camera. I'll have to make sure that I post of picture of me wearing it, although my mom says that it's bad luck. I did try it on because I wanted to make sure it fit, and it fits awesomely!!!! Aaron said that his fits well too, but I haven't see it yet because he took it with him to work.

I also bought my dress tonight. With shipping the total comes to $131.00, and that is shipping from China. Compare that to $650.00 and I think I've made quite the deal!

Yes, this is short, but I have to work in the morning and I am so very tired. Nighty Night.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lazy lazy... that is what I have been this past week. It was spring break for me in the college department and I sort of took it as a break for everything. One of my issues was actually work. I WANTED to work.. wierd but I did... but I couldn't. It was the week for FCAT in elementary schools and for obvious reasons teacher did not call out, which means no jobs for me. At least I was able to work on Monday and Friday.
The other issue I had which caused some laziness was I was sick. HORRIBLY SICK!!! I actually gave in and went to the Take Care Clinic at walgreens Saturday morning, and we skipped AJ's music class so I could go. Turned out I had an ear infection, respiratory infection, and I have allergies. I honestly never thought that I had allergies... it's never affected me before, but the doctor there prescribed me some allergy medicine to help.
AJ was also sick this week, and he went to the doctor earlier in the week. I took him mainly because he was not eating, and he was starting to not take a bottle. Turns out he had an ear infection too. Mr AJ's antibiotics definitely did the trick and he's back to eating everything he can find.
Then I had issues with my car this weekend. I was driving home on Saturday morning after getting breakfast after I went to the doctor. I was stopped behind a bus, and I looked in my review mirror and his huge truck was driving up behind me extremely fast. He zooms around me and starts screaming at me. Scared me half to death, I was trembling as I tried to figure out what he screamed... "YOU HAVE NO BRAKE LIGHTS". Brake lights or not, there is a huge bus in front of me that I'm sure he saw and there was no reason to drive up behind me as fast as he did. So, Aaron decides that it's the fuses and not the light bulbs. Laura's husband, Adam, tried to fix it for me on Sunday at Thomas' birthday party, but he decided that it was a loose connection with the fuse box. Aaron was able to fix it today by checking all of the fuses. The person who messed with the fuses before me first of all didn't put the cover back on so Aaron had to figure out what all the fuses were for, and then second he had to figure out the mess that was left behind. Someone had changed the fuses but put the wrong ones in the wrong places. So, he put the right ones in the right places and wallah... my brake lights work! Now I can go to work tomorrow.
AJ and I were able to go to Thomas' 1st birthday party like I mentioned. It was a lot of fun, and I've decided with Laura's help that we'll probably have a small wedding reception in her backyard. We could definitely do something really nice and intimate there. Anyway, the party was fun, and Laura and I got to do some girly talking too. All four boys (including her husband) were so exhausted that we got them to take a really late nap and we just hung out.
Laura and I have decided that we're going to hang out the whole week of spring break since we'll both have off. We want to make sure that we go out and do something with the kids each day. It'll be a lot of fun! We're going to go to the beach one day, the park another, and we'll figure some other things out but not completely sure what yet. We'll decided sometime soon since spring break isn't here for other two weeks. Yay for good friends!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not too much has gone on here in the past couple of days.

I went out today and got the supplies for the wedding announcements. Yesterday, I got just a few supplies for them just so I could make a trial run and see what I liked and didn't like about it. So, I've figured it out, and now I just have to start cutting paper, printing on others, and then put it all together.

I spent some time today trying to figure out what I wanted the announcement to say. I can't just use regular invitation wording because I don't want people to feel like I'm asking them to come, but I also don't want someone to feel like they can't come. Honestly, I don't think anyone but my mom will come, and maybe Aaron's mom if he will actually invite her. I also don't want a lot of people hanging around Aaron and I when we are on our honeymoon as well. I also had to figure out how I was going to include a website on there without making it sound wierd. And then I found something that I thought I might include to put a little touch of Aaron in it too. At the very end of the announcement I'm going to put "...and they lived happily Elvis after!" The announcement isn't going to look formal, so why have it sound formal you know?

An update on my SlimQuick Cleansing stuff. I don't know if I've lost any weight from it. From what I understand, it really isn't suppose to help you lose weight but to help clean out your body and stabalize it so that when you start your diet it will actually work. Man oh man do these pills do some gross things to your body. First off, it gives you some majorly bad gas. It also makes you go number two more often than you normally do, and for me it sort of makes you feel like its a right now thing, and you can't wait. It's suppose to clean out your colon and things like that... and it's not pretty! Thank God it's for only a week because I wouldn't want to be on these pills for a long amount of time!
They start working relatively soon after you start. I had to skip a serving because I left the pill bottle in my mom's car and she went to work, so I think it took me a little bit longer to react to it.

Update on AJ. He had his first popsicle tonight! He LOVE it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm just sitting here waiting for 30 minutes to be up so I can take these teeth whitening strips off. I'm suppose to do it 2 days a day for 30 minutes for 14 days, but I think I'm just going to do with once a day because it does make my teeth feel a little sensitive, and I'm not sure when I'm going to fit in another 30 minutes of teeth whitening time in my day. So, I might not get as white as I could have, but it'll be whiter right? Maybe I'll get Aaron to use the other half of the box so he can have whiter teeth for our wedding.

Speaking of weddings!! I went dress shopping today. It was so fun, and I felt so beautiful in all of the dresses that I tried on. Both Laura and my bridal assistant kept telling me how well the dresses fit. Normally, you would try on a dress in about your size and you would do an alteration, and then right before your wedding you would have a final alteration. Just so your dress fits you perfectly, and it better for the price of those dresses! Apparently, I'm very well proportioned because everything in my size fit me perfectly. The only real alteration I would need is to have the dresses shorted a little because I'm not tall enough for them, and I can't wear heels or I'll be taller than Aaron. One other alteration that the lady said I might need, but I didn't see it was if I get a lace up dress, I would have to have it taken in a little bit around my rump because it was a little big around there. Like I said... I personally didn't see it. Laura said she could kind of see what the lady was saying, but my bridal assistant helps brides practically everyday so I'm sure she knows how the dress is suppose to look. Either way, I'm not sure if I would have it done. I couldn't tell the difference when she tried to show me.

So, the prices were so high. Most of the dresses I tried on were $650, but I knew going into there that the dress prices would be high, and I was only going in to see how they looked on me so that I could buy my dress online anyway. Here is the dress that I fell in love with:

And here is the dress that I found online:

Top dress is $650 bucks and the bottom dress is $180 bucks shipped. I found acouple of dresses online that I liked that looked like other dresses I tried on today. I'm going to have to ask Laura to tell me what she thinks. I asked my mom and she liked that one over the others. Oh, and I think I posted it on here but I didn't want my mom to see me in my wedding dress, and she hasn't yet except for pictures, but she'll have to anyway. She's going to have to learn how to lace up my dress because I won't be able to do it myself. It's ok though, at least Aaron will see me the first time as I walk down the isle, and so will the people watching online.

Okie Dokie, time to remove the whitening strips, and Aaron will be home soon!