The title of my post makes me laugh, lol. I am in no way an expert on relationships, and I don't have the perfect relationship... but honestly, if you think you have a perfect relationship yourself, I say look harder, no relationship is perfect.
Actually, I just wanted to post about my husband and how sometimes he surprises me. Those surprise can be so heartwarming for me, and I don't think he realizes it or than any other guy could do something so simple and please their woman just as much as surprising them with flowers or something else like that.
There definitely is a huge stress put on the men to make a relationship romantic and smooshy for their women. AND, when going into a relationship where it is easy to be romanced and loved on... it can be quite disappointing when further down the line the romance doesn't last at the level it was at previously.
Honestly though, showing a woman that you love them doesn't have to be expensive and take a lot of time to plan. I was visiting my husband at work, and we were joking around. My husband's last comment pushed me to tell him that I didn't like him anymore. He responded by saying, "Well, I don't love you any less." First, for less than half a second, my mind registered the complete opposite of what he said and I was going to be angry with him, but when it actually sunk it what he really had said, I left smiling and giggling. His comment has left me feeling loved and happy all evening.
So, all I'm saying is something as simple as saying something surprising can be just as powerful as traditional ways of saying I love you.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Relationship Advice
Posted by Jennifer at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I did it. I finally reminded myself to buy a new USB cord for my camera. So hopefully within the next week or two I'll be able to upload some pictures and actually start taking pictures again. I hate that my camera is full. One reason is that I started a new project and I'm super proud of it.
I had a small dilemma.. at least it was to me, it wouldn't have been for anyone else. Anyway, Aaron has a ton of old work shirts that have bleach stains and are faded or dingy looking. He only wears two or three of the better looking shirts to work and the rest just take up space in the closet. Thing is, he's constantly ruining shirts with bleach so our pile of useless workshirts grows rather quickly. We threw away all of his old work shirts over a year ago when he was let go. He's been back there almost a full year, and I swear there are at least 10 to 15 of those shirts taking up space. When he told me to throw them away, I just had this feeling like I couldn't. So, I looked up a way to recycle those shirts, and I came across rag rugs. So, I started to make one. I've already cut up one shirt and crocheted it into the start of my rug, and I super proud of it. Now, if only I could post a picture, lol. ;-)
Today was day 3 of 30 on my no eating out for breakfast or lunch quest. I'm not counting today as a failure although I won't be transfering the money into my savings account. I had an ultrasound today and my mom came with me. She asked me if I would take her out to lunch today, and how could I say no to that. I love going out to eat with my mom. We have our issues sometimes, but going out to eat is a special time, and I always enjoy it. Plus, my goal for the 30 days is to really stop eating out when I can take my lunch with me. The occasional lunch with a friend or family member shouldn't mean that I failed. I'll say that I just made up for it by not eating out for dinner. :-D So, yes day 3 of 30, and I've saved $12.
Posted by Jennifer at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Science and Money
I had a lesson plan and presentation to do for class this week. My lesson had to teach that plants get energy from the sun, air, and water to make food for themselves. So, basically, photosynthesis. It was crazy writing this lesson plan. First, they aren't "real" lesson plans, meaning they aren't the kind that teachers will write when they are actually teaching. They go into so much more detail, and for a 30 to 45 minute science lesson, my lesson plan came out to be 7 pages with 5 more pages of attachments.
I tried really hard to make this lesson plan interactive and meaningful for my "3rd graders" (just my adult classmates). I introduced my lesson by discussing that we breathe oxygen to survive and plants provide that for us, then we did an experiment to show that plants give off oxygen, and then I had made a felt story board with felt pieces to put together a basic diagram of photosynthesis. I was so nervous about my presentation, but I received great compliments and comments, and everyone loves every part of the presentation. Although, I know that I could have presented 1000x's better if it were actually a group of third graders, but it's alright.
A note on that experiment... I had to change it last minute because my previous experiment didn't work. My new experiment required test tubes and I didn't have any and couldn't find any last minute... BUT.. the liquor sells shots in test tube like things and I ended up buying a couple of those and used an SOS pad to get the writing off. I of course didn't drink the shots because, you know, the whole pregnancy thing, lol.
So, I put a lot of myself into that lesson plan and I'm proud to say that I received a 92% on the presentation. I'll know on Tuesday how I did on the actual lesson plan. The lesson plan grade could be different because of all the detailed sections that can be confused and screwed up, and if I didn't get my accomodations correct then I'll take a huge hit on my grade. So, that's my news on school.
In other news, I've decided that while my family is doing well with a small cushion of savings in our savings account, I'm going to alter my life style a little bit. I found that when we have extra money, I decided that it is ok to go out and buy myself lunch, or breakfast if I'm not running late in the morning. For the next 30 days, I'm not going to eat out for breakfast or lunch. I'm making an exception for drinks and coffee because drink so much through out the day so I stay hydrated (preterm labor from dehydration was a reality for me last pregnancy) it would be crazy to carry around that much. I am going to limit my coffee buying though. So, everyday for the next 30 days, if I don't eat out I'm going to transfer 6 dollars into my savings account. I know that doesn't sound like a lot everyday, but if you do the math.... that's $180 on just lunch that just I would be eating!
One of my other reasons for doing that is because I've finally hit my prepregnancy weight and now I've surpassed it by 4 pounds. Now that I'm gaining, I want to make sure that I'm not just eating junk all the time, which is what was happening.
Today was day 1 of 30 and I have saved a total of $6 bucks!
Posted by Jennifer at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
AJ had his two years doctor's appointment today. He weighs 24 pounds 1 ounce, he's 33.5 inches tall, his head is 19 inches around, and his iron is back at a healthy 11.5! Here he is freaking out over the bandaid that they put on his finger after the finger prick.
I also finished a project last night. Yay! Finally I can cross one off my list :-) I did sacrifice my school work to do it, but it was worth it because I didn't want to work on my school work anyway lol. So here is the finished result of my valentine's day wreath!
Remember, I found the tutorial at Domestifluff.
Posted by Jennifer at 12:03 PM 1 comments