Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Where does time go when it's run away from you?

I had someone ask me to meet them sometime this week between I think it was 2 - 5 and I normally would have been able to do it. I'm not thinking it's going to happen this week. We'll see about next week. All my time is now going to working whenever I can, going to school full time, and appointment after appointment after appointment.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, I have to go to WIC, I have to babysit Laura's kids, Friday AJ has a doctor's appointment, and I'm sure that tomorrow I'm going to have to make yet another appointment for dental work. We also have to fit going clothes shopping for Aaron and visiting my Papa into the mix. I'm probably going to call AJ's doctor to reschedule for next Thursday anyway. Thursdays I'm not going to be working because I babysit, but Fridays I can work as long as I don't schedule an appointment.

I substituted for two teachers this week. The first was a music class for emotionally disturbed students. I've never had such an easy day of work my whole life. Each class, except for one, had no more than two kids in it, and the teacher said to let them to what they want to do. Usually one played on the computer while the other one played an instrument. I was even able to go around the class room with them and help them try out different instruments. The little classes were all highschool students, the bigger class of no more than 10 kids was an elementary school class which watched a movie, which reminds me that I wanted to add a movie to my myspace page. The other class this week was two days of art classes for one teacher. She's an itinerant teacher, which just means that she goes from school to school teaching art classes when the school is too big for just one art teacher. Most of my classes were Kindergarten and 1st grade classes. Today the majority of my day was with "special" students. They tend to be the students with autism and other disabilities that require a very small classroom, and lots of teacher time. I do like to teach these classes. The students tend to be very sweet, and very willing to listen and try. Depending on their disability some are extreme perfectionists, and I've been through some tantrums but overall it isn't as hard as I would have thought.

So thats really what I've been up to. I need to measure and weigh myself tonight, and I need to work on some school work.