Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where is my time machine?

Tonight has been very exciting indeed! But not in a good way.

My little brother was brought home by the police. Apparently he was with a kid he knew he wasn't allowed to be with, and they decided to visit a house that was abandoned right down the street. While visiting that house, they decided to go into the back yard, and then actually into the house. The house was trashed, and they saw some things that they wanted to take. At that point a neighbor had called the police, and the police showed up.
We don't know yet if he has to go to court. The police are going to file the report, and we'll be contacted once they decide if they are going to take him to court or not. The police said he could be charged with a felony. My 13 year old brother charged with a felony?!?! It's hard to take in.
What he did was wrong, he knows that now. The problem is... he didn't know it while he was doing it. I'm not going to make excuses for him, but I do know that he has truely learned his lesson, and I hope that if he has to go to court the judge he gets will give him a break.
After we got the call from the police, I was extremely angy. It seemed to take forever for the police to get to the house. I stood there watching the police questioning him, and how he was having issues answering their questions. He explained truthfully what happened, but then they started asking him about right and wrong and thats when he had difficulty.
From that point until now the feeling that I have is helplessness. There is nothing that I can do to fix whats happened and is going to happen to him. After the police left, I watched my brother get screamed at by my mother, and making sure nothing got physical. I watched him cry hysterically as my mom slammed his door and went to cry in her room.
I went in to talk to him but then I started crying. I let him know how disappointed I was, and I brought up the fact that his nephew is suppose to look up to him, and how can he do that if he's not doing something worth looking up to. At that point, I found out how really and truely sorry he was about what he did. We talked about things like going to court, and honesty, and remorse. He wrote a letter to my mom. Begging her not to hate him, and that he will try to never get in trouble again in his life.

Haven't you ever wished you could turn back time just to make things right again?