Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post from 7/18

I had to make some baby food today. I actually love making AJ’s baby food. It makes me feel like a mom. I had to stop breastfeeding so early because of my stupid milk supply, that I think making the baby food myself helps me feel better about that. I go onto my baby message board, and there are posts (actually not so much anymore) about nursing and it makes me think what it would be like if I were still nursing. In many ways I feel jealous. When I started to realize that I had to give it up, I started doing everything I could possibly think of to change it. I tried feeding him every hour, I tried herbal supplements, I tried feeding and then pumping. It was no use. For a couple days after I stopped I would cry and cry, I honestly felt like a horrible, incompetent mother.
So, anyway now I make baby food which makes me feel all the better. I had planned to make my own baby food since before AJ was born, and I am very happy that I stuck through it. He still gets store bought baby food, like the different cereals. I also buy banana baby food because I find it very hard to make. I know it sounds weird but the consistency doesn’t come out right for me. Also, if I find that I am out and about and not going to make it home when he needs to eat, I’ll buy a can of baby food. I have to look at the ingredients because if it has any type of citrus in it, it upsets AJ’s tummy.
I made breakfast baby foods tonight. I have a ton of food for him to eat at dinner, and I’m kinda weird, I don’t like to give him vegetables at breakfast, and I try to leave the fruits out of dinner, unless it’s part of the recipe. He is a list of foods AJ has already “mastered”: Carrots, Apples, Pears, Sweet Potato, Broccoli, Butternut Squash, Banana, Corn, Peach, Prune, Chicken, and Fish. We are still sort of working on the chicken and fish. He’s past the marker for waiting on introducing new foods, but he still really hasn’t gotten down the texture/taste of it. I’m also introducing two new foods this week: strawberries and blueberries. I’m not too worried about an allergy to strawberries because there are no known cases in either family, but my little brother was allergic to blueberries when he was a baby. He’s since out grown that allergy, but I believe he still won’t eat them.
I skipped ahead in my book to the next stage, which is 9 months and up. I can’t believe it’s getting close. I know three months doesn’t seem that close, but it is to me. The book is going to have me start introducing rice and pastas without pureeing it, and there are even some recipes that don’t need to be pureed at all. He’ll be eating whole foods. It feels so overwhelming. It’s like reality is kicking me in the butt, my baby isn’t my newborn anymore.
That last sentence brings up something else that happened today. AJ is sitting in the grocery cart by himself now.

He’s still a little wobbly, and he doesn’t like to sit the right way. He likes to put his feet up on top of the bar and lean back. This almost always makes him tip over and hit his head, and then of course he freaks out. He only did that once today, for the most part I would stop him, I talked to him about it, and I put his foot back where it belonged. Of course he doesn’t understand, and would do it again shortly after. So anyway, he finally fell over and was crying. I stopped by the toy section and picked out a toy fire truck for infants and bought it for him. He played with it a long time today. He would smack it and make it flip over. Then he would laugh. It dawned on me that my baby was making himself laugh. It was the first time that it wasn’t me making him laugh. Hehe, I’m starting to tear up. Anyway, it just goes to show that he’s starting to entertain himself… he’s growing up.