Saturday, July 12, 2008

Six Months

AJ went to the doctor today. My little man is 17 pound, 26.5 inches, and his big head is 43 cm around. He is in the 50th percentile for all of his measurements!
We talked about his reflux issue. The doctor has changed his formula to Similac Alimentum, and I am happy to say that as of today there has been a major difference in the amound of spitup. Just in case the formula change does not work, he wrote a prescription for Zantac, which I pray I never have to fill. I just don't see why he would need medication if he is capable of keeping everything but formula down.
I can't believe that he is six months old today. My beautiful little man is half a year old, where oh where has the time gone. He has started sitting up on his own for little bits of time, he is rolling over a lot more now, and he is in 9 month clothing. It feels like I'm going to turn around and he'll be a year old.
Aaron Elvis Jr., I command you to stop growing up so fast!