Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's Up?

What's up with me? Everything and nothing at the same time. I'm up way early for who knows what reason, and AJ is as well. We'll both probably need a nap soon and it's only 7:30 lol.
So, here is what I've been up to: cleaning my house, going to work, doing my schoolwork, being a mom, being a girlfriend, working on halloween invitations... just whatever comes my way.

School is going very well. I'm keeping up quite well, even with a baby. I'm very proud of myself. I'm actually going to work when I can. I didn't go yesterday, but that was because the baby was sick on Monday and Aaron stayed up all night with him. I didn't want to go to work and have him stay up with him all day as well, Daddy needs sleep too!!!

Yes, I did say Halloween invitations! Heather and I are going to throw a Halloween party. There are actually two seperate parties in one. There is Thomas' Boo Bash for 4+ and AJ's Pumpkin Patch for 3 and under. The Halloween invitations are nice. I'll make sure I post a picture of them once they are done. If anyone does read this, and wants some halloween invitations, I did make one that I'm selling on ebay.