Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

This year is ending, and I can say that I'm glad to see it go, especially this last half.

I'm also ready to let quite a few things go at the turn of the year. This is actually one of my resolutions. I want to be at peace at the start of a new year. I don't want to carry around the anger of things that I cannot control. So, I'm letting go of all the bad things. Aaron losing his job, friends with big fat mouths, etc.

I plan on exercising again as well. I'm still working on formulating a workout, but I'll have it figured out by the end of tomorrow.

On the more serious side, I'm gonna try and make sure that I take better care of my health. Yes, I am only 23, but I do need to make sure that I'm going to the doctor and dentist when I'm suppose to. Which leads into me going to the doctor on Friday. I have a gyno appointment because I've been on my period for 16 days. Yes... I have been bleeding for 16 DAYS. It's driving me crazy, and I've finally been talked into going to the doctor to get it checked out. I'll make sure I update on that after the appointment.

Alrighty, I have to wrap this up. I need to get home and spend the last few hours of this year with my wonderful fiance and son.