Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not too much has gone on here in the past couple of days.

I went out today and got the supplies for the wedding announcements. Yesterday, I got just a few supplies for them just so I could make a trial run and see what I liked and didn't like about it. So, I've figured it out, and now I just have to start cutting paper, printing on others, and then put it all together.

I spent some time today trying to figure out what I wanted the announcement to say. I can't just use regular invitation wording because I don't want people to feel like I'm asking them to come, but I also don't want someone to feel like they can't come. Honestly, I don't think anyone but my mom will come, and maybe Aaron's mom if he will actually invite her. I also don't want a lot of people hanging around Aaron and I when we are on our honeymoon as well. I also had to figure out how I was going to include a website on there without making it sound wierd. And then I found something that I thought I might include to put a little touch of Aaron in it too. At the very end of the announcement I'm going to put "...and they lived happily Elvis after!" The announcement isn't going to look formal, so why have it sound formal you know?

An update on my SlimQuick Cleansing stuff. I don't know if I've lost any weight from it. From what I understand, it really isn't suppose to help you lose weight but to help clean out your body and stabalize it so that when you start your diet it will actually work. Man oh man do these pills do some gross things to your body. First off, it gives you some majorly bad gas. It also makes you go number two more often than you normally do, and for me it sort of makes you feel like its a right now thing, and you can't wait. It's suppose to clean out your colon and things like that... and it's not pretty! Thank God it's for only a week because I wouldn't want to be on these pills for a long amount of time!
They start working relatively soon after you start. I had to skip a serving because I left the pill bottle in my mom's car and she went to work, so I think it took me a little bit longer to react to it.

Update on AJ. He had his first popsicle tonight! He LOVE it.