Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Weekend Away

AJ got his third tooth yesterday! So, now he has his two front bottom teeth, and his front upper left tooth. My poor cranky baby has two more top teeth working their way through. I think they should pop through with in the next day or two.

AJ spent the weekend with grandma, and Aaron and I spent the weekend in Tampa. We went to Howloscream. It was fun. I'm a big scaredy cat so I was freaked out through most of the haunted houses. I think the first one freaked me out the most. It had strobe lights so I couldn't see at all, and that was way freaky. The other ones had very few strobe lights so I could still see, and ended up seeing people coming or jumping out from the corners. It makes me wonder how many of them get punched in the face :-) There was one that had body bag type things hanging from the ceiling, and I started thinking about this scary clown movie I saw when I was younger, I think it was called something like The Killer Clowns or something, I think they came from outerspace. My memory is a little fuzzy, but if I remember right they would kill humans and like wrap them in cotton candy or something, I'm thinking spiderwebs, but it was probably cotton candy. Anyway, anytime one of the body bags touched me I screamed, lol. It was fun. By the way, everyone knows I love rollercoasters, they are even better at night!
We stayed in a hotel in tampa, and it had a two person jacuzzi in the room. It was soo nice, it took a long time to fill up though. The price wasn't bad at all, and it had a king size very comfy bed. I hate that you have to check out of hotels so eary. 11 isn't early on a weekday, but on a weekend without the monster... I want to sleep in way late. Plus, we were up really late the night before. I think I finally went to bed about three.
We were going to go to Adventure Island the next day because it was the last day it was open this year, but I Aunt Flo came that morning and so did the cool front. We ended up going to clearwater beach and eat lunch at a restaurant there. I got all you can eat crab, yum! Then we came home and took a nap before I had to go get AJ.
AJ had fun with grandma. He ate, he slept, he played, all the stuff babies do. My mom loves taking AJ, which is really good because then I don't feel as guilty when I want to get out for a date.
Anyway, I talked to my friend Laura today about her three year old son. She just found out he has some hearing loss, because doctors are stupid and don't listen when Mommy knows something isn't right. She's got a lot of doctors appointments coming for him, and he's going to have to have surgery they just need to figure out what exactly needs to be operated on. I got the impression that it's probably going to be putting tubes in his ears, but it might have to be surgery on something else. I'm really hoping all goes well. I asked if he might get his hearing back after the surgery, but I'm not sure what her answer was. I think we started talking about the different surgeries. Oh, well keep her and her little one in your thoughts.
Okie Dokie, it is late. I gotsta go. Night.