Sunday, April 19, 2009

I feel a change coming on in my life. Yes, I'm getting married, but that isn't it. I'm not sure what the change is. Maybe it's the fact that the summer is coming and my job will be ending for a few months. Maybe it's the fact that after we get married we'll be trying for another baby. I don't know, but it feels exciting, and I feel restless. I find myself wanting something to occupy the free time that I all of a sudden have even though not much has changed.

I'm down to one last class to finish for this semester, and it will be finished with in the next few weeks. I don't have an exam to study for anymore. AJ has decided to be more independant in his play. Substituting is starting to become scarce as the teacher are winding down the school year.

Here is what I've been doing to keep myself occupied:
Cleaning and Laundry
Teaching AJ how to chase me
Playing with AJ when he will let me
Surfing the internet
I downloaded a free trial of World of Warcraft and I fart around on it a little bit.
I started reading a new book.
School work

My mom called me earlier today and asked if AJ could spend the night. I have to say that I was quite surprised because I don't think she's ever asked.. I'm the one who usually asks. Even though he's only gone for the night, I still miss him. My house is quiet, and I wonder how I managed when I didn't have him. It's boring... and I don't miss my babyfree life! Usually when he goes to spend the night I have something planned, and getting ready for that usually keeps me busy so I guess that's why I haven't really noticed before. My mom called me not too long ago to tell me what he was up to, and he said Ay-o which in his language if you haven't figured it out is hello. Then he handed the phone back to her. I don't think he quite figures out that there is someone else on the other line even when you talk to him, but it's still cute.

In other news, I stopped taking my hormone pill Provera on Friday. My monthly visitor who hasn't shown up yet this year should be arriving in the next few days, and hopefully that will be the last time I have to take Provera. I guess I won't find out until May about that, but with my luck I'll still be late and get it the day I leave to get married!

I actually can't believe how close it is getting! It really is very exciting. My dress is still in customs, probably because it's Sunday ;-) and I can't wait to get it.

I can't wait to get married period! It's going to be fun, and I can't wait to be called Mrs. Aaron Fleek. A few people have already started calling him my husband, and I've heard acouple people at his work call me his wife. It's sounds wierd even when I type it.

Aaron and I talk a lot now about having another baby. We both think that the best time would be at some point after the wedding, but since it is so close to the wedding now anyway, we don't think it would necessarily be too bad if it happened now. The only bad thing that I could think of at this point about getting pregnant now is that AJ would have to share is birth month. I'm not too sure I'd want to do that. Everyone that I know right now that has two kids has either two boys or two girls, no one has a boy and a girl. I hope I break that though :-) I'd want a girl.

I have to say that when I was pregnant about AJ, I couldn't really decide what I wanted. I know Aaron wanted a boy from the moment he found out, and I didn't want to disappoint him. I also have taken care of boys, and I know what to do. Girls are a complete unknown to me. I have never once changed a little girls diaper! It's a little intimidating because so much could go wrong if you wipe the wrong way! So, I think I was relieved when I found out AJ was a boy.

All of this seems so close, but really far all at the same time. I really can't wait!