Thursday, April 9, 2009


Late... that is the word that describes me lately. I'm late for everything now a days... even more so when it involves taking AJ out. Here is what I've been late on:

My period <-- by 64 days to be exact
My announcements
To work
To babysitting

Just to name a few.

Yes.. I did say it: I'm late, like The Late. But alas I am not pregnant. Nope :-(
My hormones are fine... had all of them tested and had a blood pregnancy test too. As of this point there is no definite explanation. As far as the doctor can tell and she is pretty sure of it.. I screwed my own body up by taking birth control after I had AJ. I'm pretty upset about it... that birth control was the reason I wasn't able to breastfeed... and now the reason that I can't have a period or get pregnant. And it really has come full circle because hormones screwed up my body and now I'm back on hormones to make it right.

I took a break from my wedding announcements. I hadn't felt like working on them, but I have to start again because they are late on being sent out. I worked awhile on them last night... there is still more work to go though.

Well... I'm babysitting and both babies are tearing up a pile of laundry.. I must go now.